

OPEN CALL: Lancashire Textile Gallery – Pilot Commissions

Posted: 3rd August 2022

Modern Lancashire is built on a powerful heritage of textile manufacturing and global trade.

The Lancashire Textile Gallery project aims to build a new digital resource & gallery which highlights and brings together significant local and global textile artefacts from museums, archives, galleries, and manufacturers across the county. Through a series of new digital exhibitions, downloadable resources and community curated responses, this online presence will collectively build an understanding of the significant impact that textiles have played in shaping people’s lives, not only in this county, but across the globe.

The Lancashire Textile Gallery is a collaboration between Gawthorpe Textiles Collection, the University of Central Lancashire and the British Textile Biennial with contributions from museums and archives across Lancashire. The Lancashire’s Textile Treasures project has received DCMS and National Lottery funding, distributed by the Heritage Fund as part of their Digital Skills for Heritage initiative.

The Brief:

We are looking for a minimum of 3 artists, craft & design practitioners of all disciplines to explore and respond to items based in some of the county’s most important textile collections to create a digital outcome or the new http://www.lancashiretextilegallery.com/ platform. e.g. detailed photographic images, film, 360 exploration, online exhibition, podcast, sound/audio works, educational resources etc.

These small pilot commissions are aimed at testing the opportunity for artists and designers to work with and respond to our collections and to make manifest the results in digital form that will help drive digital engagement, conversation, community curated responses and other forms of interaction through the http://www.lancashiretextilegallery.com/platform.

For full details download the brief here.


Deadline for applications is 15th August 2022

Shortlisted artist interviews to be held on 22nd Aug 2022

Please email applications to zara@superslowway.org.uk

If you have any questions or want to talk over your application prior to submission, please email jenny@superslowway.org.uk with any questions or to arrange a time to chat.

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